Stop Thinking about improving English and Start Speaking. You will instantly enjoy Vine classes more than the typical 'buxiban' approach to learning a language. Improve your performance at work and make friends faster.
You cannot change yesterday, but you can change today. Energize your life by opening up to new experiences through language. Vine's team of supportive instructors can help open up opportunities that you will not be able to find anywhere else.
Vine is able to match your lifestyle with convenience and flexibility. We make it very easy for you to reach your goals with joy.
Stop the pain of staying the same, but wishing you could change. Start building your international network and be able to speak freely with anyone, anywhere in the world.
No More Boring English Books & Classes
Real customized lessons using real modern-day English from native speakers. No more lessons using vocabulary memorization and grammar exercises written in textbooks from over 5 years ago. Class materials and notes are created just for you, based on your individual needs and interests.
Classroom learning is dynamic. You will speak and learn more, not just sit, listen and take notes. Learn to truly understand what you read and listen to, and speak English on the things you care about with ease and fluency at Vine.
Popular Vine Classes
Introducing Nightmarkets to Foreigners Welcoming a Foreigner to Taiwan Getting through Customs & Immigration Planning a Vacation Managing your personal vs work time
Making a public speech Making Invitations Passing a Job Interview Chatting and Making small talk Making Complaints
Dating a Foreigner Going on a Date Shopping in other countries Working Abroad Preparing for your Working Holiday
Easy as 1, 2, 3!
1) Choose the type of class that you want to take.
2) Choose what you want to learn in each classes.
3) Choose a convenient schedule.
1) What Kind Of Class Do You Want To Take?
Personalized face-to-face classes. Each lesson is tailored to your work, level, and interests.
Your personal custom-made English book. We write & design the book every week as your lessons progress. Receive full color printed pages to review your favorite lessons.
Build your own training plan. View our most popular topics and design the classes you want. You will no longer take classes that are not useful or interesting to you.
A complete foreign experience and environment including lunch and coffee breaks with native speakers. Perfect for reaching your goals in just a few days.
View your favorite instructors' schedules online and book your classes at your own convenience. For those with a fast-paced lifestyle and busy schedules. Flexible